CAD Ingegneria Meccanica - Mechanical Engineering - UNIPO DEBUG






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Chi Siamo › Organization of the Master Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering Design

Organization of the Master Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering Design

This Master program is a two years program and is worth  120 ECTS . 1ECTS stands for about 8 classroom hours.

Classes are taught as part of a structure made up of modules having a value of 3, 6, 9 ECTS.

Students are required to complete:

visto_verde 54 ECTS compulsory modules divided in 4 modules x 9 ECTS and 3 modules x 6 ECTS

visto_verde 30 ECTS partially elective modules divided in 2 modules x 9 ECTS and 3 modules x 6 ECTS

visto_verde 12 ECTS fully optional modules, meaning that students have to choose 2 modules x 6 ECTS among the English-taught classes in the School of Engineering. The choice must be done selecting classes which the student assumes to be relevant for his  career

visto_verde 6 ECTS partially elective laboratories, usually they are 2 modules x 3 ECTS

visto_verde 18 ECTS related to the student’s final Dissertation Project.



Master course schedule

The programme is organised in semesters and each semester comprises 10 weeks of class instruction.

Students are required to prepare and submit online in Infostud 2.0, the study plan prepared considering the master programme structure and the course schedule,. This has to be done after enrollement and   before starting exams.

Link to List of courses of MS curriculum in Mechanical Engineering Design


Modules are examined at the end of each semester and in September.

Students are required to register for examinations by the published deadlines available in INFOSTUD 2.

Dissertation Project

After the completion of a minimum of  80 – 94 credits ,students are required  to undertake a research on a topic related to their programme of study in collaboration with a research group. A member of the academic staff will be the academic supervisor. Students must have 102 credits in order to be eligible to submit a dissertation for assessment.