CAD Ingegneria Meccanica - Mechanical Engineering - UNIPO DEBUG


Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

We offer both bachelor’s and master of science programmes with different curricula. The Bachelor’s degree is taught in Italian, whilst the Master of Science has one specific curriculum taught in English, named Mechanical Engineering Design, leading to the "Laurea Magistrale" degree (equivalent to Master of Science).

Foreign (Non EU) students willing to apply for the Master Program in Mechanical Engineering Design need to pass pre-enrollment selections that are generally opened from February up to April, each year. For updated information go to go to the pre-selection application page

For the academic year 2021-22 admission requirements for Non EU students are:

visto_verde Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering eligible for the Italian laws

visto_verde overall average grade greater than 88/110 (in other scales it means: greater than 70 %; greater than 14/20 or for  Grade Point Average a score greater than  7/10) (G.R.E. would be preferential in case of a very large number of applications)

visto_verde proof of English language knowledge (IELTS  or Toefl certification will be preferential also for English speaking people – B2 minimum level required)

visto_verde pre-selection application filled in, according to the pre-selection application page


Organization of the Master Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering Design


Freccia_Rossa How to apply